Ken Sato, a renowned baseball star, comes back to Japan with dreams of a new life. Little does he know, destiny has other plans. When a colossal creature threatens Tokyo, Ken discovers he’s the chosen successor to wield the Ultraman powers. Yet, the unexpected twist arrives when he finds himself entrusted with nurturing a newborn kaiju—the offspring of his archenemy—as his own child. Balancing his duties as Earth’s defender and a reluctant guardian, Ken must navigate this dual role while uncovering secrets that intertwine his past with the fate of the world. Follow lookmovie HD for more.
Ultraman: Rising Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Ultraman: Rising (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Animation, Action, Adventure
Director: Shannon Tindle, John Aoshima
Writer: Shannon Tindle, Marc Haimes
Stars: Christopher Sean, Rob Fukuzaki, Hiro Nakamura